Free book Hercolubus, the planet that is approaching - Dublin - Free stuff, Dublin - 2614740


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Free book Hercolubus, the planet that is approaching - Free stuff

Ref. number: 2614740 Updated: 20-01-2025 13:28

Offering: Free stuff in Ireland, Dublin

The Alcione Association is offering free copies of the book 'Hercolubus or Red Planet', a revolutionary book that can transform your life. In this small book, its author tackles several highly important current issues, from the controversial nuclear tests in the ocean and their dreadful future repercussions to the origin of climate change or the much discussed question of the existence of conscious beings in other planets in Universe. Similarly, he confirms the existence of a huge heavenly body six times bigger than Jupiter, which is alarmingly approaching our planet, and describes the consequences of such an approach to us. You can request your free copy at

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