Female Therapist ITEC Qualified. Studied anatomy & physiology, qualified in Dublin and now based in Stoneybatter just off manor st.
Swedish massage uses a series of long gentle strokes, kneading, and friction which works on the more superficial layers of the muscles to reduce stress, relax the muscles, increase circulation, and improve digestion.
Would you like a massage but don't have an hour to spare?
Why not come for a 30 min Back of the body massage. This includes the neck, Shoulders, Back and back of the legs. Perfect for a lunchtime treatment.
30 min back of the body massage - 25 euro.
60 min full body Swedish massage - 40 euro.
90 min full body Swedish massage - 60 euro.
To make an appointment call or text 0872147161 or 0858133840 and please leave a message if you can't get through, or email green_roombf@yahoo.com