Advertise your products, services and business FREE at - Dublin - Business Opportunities, Dublin - 957018


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Advertise your products, services and business FREE at - Business Opportunities

Ref. number: 957018 Updated: 20-02-2012 02:36

Ecommerce shop offer: Business Opportunities in Ireland, Dublin

Classified advertising website Most people are attempting to advertise with many popular classified sites... In fact inside a network there are several different classifieds.. A lot of classified sites use a great deal of traffic and an excessive amount of trash from Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Cameroon... They may be working for commercial purpose to get more traffic and your posted ad will be hidden from view extremely fast.. It'll be lose between millions of other ads. Many people have tried using classified ads but without success. Creating an effective Classified Ad? 1. Advertise with trash-free classifieds sites. 2. Advertise with good optimized sites for search engines. Try googling search phrases such as: "free classifieds", "buy sell classifieds, " "sell online classifieds" and so on.. Find 5-10 classified sites with friendly Interface, easy-to-use. 3. Concentrate your focus on write a proper ad. - Increase the risk for ad title more attractive for better search result listing. Make your title short but descriptive. Try to avoid words like "must see", "wow". No buyers would look for those words. - Put in a detailed description in regards to the item you're selling like model no ., make, used or new, the length of time you had it, etc. Identify and write about the very best feature from the products or services you're advertising. - A picture will probably be worth million words, so add photos. You can up to 4 photos for free on our website. - Do not just rush to post your ad. Remember to format your ad properly in proper paragraphs. A properly formatted ad has good chances of receiving responses. - Don't use all Capital letters as some people may find it offending or hard to read. If possible, please try using Proper Case. - Price Right! If your item is priced right, it will likely be sold quickly. Consider an issue, can i buy this item at the price I will be offering from someone else? If no, then you've got over-priced your item. Mention the cost clearly. Also state whether the price is fixed or else you are prepared to go ahead and take best offer. It will help in getting better ad responses.

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Contact information
First name: david
Last name: candy
Phone number: 0851140619
Mobile number: 0851140619
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